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How To Set Animated Wallpaper or Video As Start Screen Background in Windows 8/8.1

Microsoft has introduced animated backgrounds for Start screen with Windows 8.1 but the catch is that you need to choose one of the animated backgrounds that ship with Windows 8.1 and you’re not allowed to set a custom picture as Start screen background.

While it’s possible to configure Windows 8.1 to use the active desktop wallpaper as Start screen background, you can’t set an animated desktop background as Start screen with default settings. In other words, even if you set an animated picture as desktop background and configure Windows 8.1 to use desktop background as Start screen background, Windows won’t show the animated background on Start screen.

Start Screen Customizer is a free tool that not only helps you set your own picture as Start screen background but also enables you have animated picture as Start screen background. The beauty of this tool is that it doesn’t edit or replace original system files in order to set a custom picture or animated picture as background. So it’s completely safe to use this tool.

However, the only downside of this excellent tool is that Start Screen Customizer must be running in the background for the proper functioning of the GIF file. In other words, the GIF file that you have set as Start screen background will stop functioning as soon as you close Start Screen Customizer.

If you don’t have animated wallpaper, and would like to create or download custom animated wallpapers, there are plenty of online services and software to create animated wallpapers.
NOTE: If you would like to set a video as Start screen background, you’ll have to first convert the video to GIF format using software like LICEcap.
How To Set Animated Wallpaper or Video As Start Screen Background in Windows 8/8.1 Reviewed by Binod paudel on 6:39 PM Rating: 5

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