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Download ModernMix 1.5

ModernMix is a revolutionary new program that lets you run Windows® 8 "Modern" apps in a window on the desktop.

Windows 8 Modern apps, also known as Metro or RT apps, will use the full screen on your display regardless of how much of the screen they really need. As a result, that weather app, mail program or stock ticker is going to use the entirety of your computer display.

                                                     Without Modernmix               

                                                         With Modernmix


  • ModernMix enables you to run multiple Modern apps in individual separate windows on the desktop as well as launch them from the desktop.
  • Modern app window sizes are remembered the next time you launch them.
  • Active Modern apps will also appear on your taskbar where they can be pinned for quick access later. Also create desktop shortcuts for Modern apps.
  • Standard Windows 8 title bar is enabled for Modern apps.
  • Explicitly close Modern apps by clicking its close button.


Download ModernMix 1.5 Reviewed by Binod paudel on 2:30 AM Rating: 5

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